< er.finder DEINER welt > . june 27 - july 2 2017
collaborative project in studio 'disposed’ at the salzburg kunstverein
("creator / finder / founder of your world")
< question : WHO are you >
on IN.vitation of disposed florian boehm set out to find the visitor's ‘I’ .
frenzel / mueller / sottong say in < storytelling > : man is a story.telling being . only through story.telling & and stories being told by him does he become human . our stories & our history are expressions of our identity : our consciousness : our relation to the world and to other people . identity is a story : that we tell ourselves and that, in the end, we believe . we tell ourselves all the time : who we are . and if we want to tell others : who we are : we tell our story . and by telling our story : we re.count the world : in which we live . > *
in a playful approach the < kabinet > became a place of story.telling about itself. < sich > (self) may also be read as < S.ein ICH > (my self) .
12.00 to 19.00 hours daily .
the visitor can . may . should tell stories : describe himself = his self.
adjectival FIX.ing is on EX.cerpts on paper .
the PAPER runs along the wall < embracing the room > .
FINISSAGE on saturday : 1 july from 15.00 hours : FIX.ING by means of TRANS.forming the paper into a compound
this means the individually told story COLLECTIVELY & in INTER.nalized form is PERMANENT.ly fixed .
the well.attended performance was marked by some very moving stories with more than 70 people and poems in.scribed on around 35 pages .
* ortho:graphically adapted quotation from wolfgang steinmaurer : storytelling and world café . IN : der wirtschaftstreuhaender 4.2005 : 40.