atelier florian boehm
Warenkorb 0

< er.finder DEINER welt > . june 27 - july 2 2017

collaborative project in studio 'disposed’ at the salzburg kunstverein

("creator / finder / founder of your world")

< question : WHO are you >

on IN.vitation of disposed florian boehm set out to find the visitor's ‘I’ .

frenzel / mueller / sottong say in < storytelling > : man is a story.telling being . only through story.telling & and stories being told by him does he become human . our stories & our history are expressions of our identity : our consciousness : our relation to the world and to other people . identity is a story : that we tell ourselves and that, in the end, we believe . we tell ourselves all the time : who we are . and if we want to tell others : who we are : we tell our story . and by telling our story : we re.count the world : in which we live . > *

in a playful approach the < kabinet > became a place of story.telling about itself. < sich > (self) may also be read as < S.ein ICH > (my self) .


  • 12.00 to 19.00 hours daily .

  • the visitor can . may . should tell stories : describe himself = his self.

  • adjectival is on EX.cerpts on paper .

  • the PAPER runs along the wall < embracing the room > .

  • FINISSAGE on saturday : 1 july from 15.00 hours : FIX.ING by means of TRANS.forming the paper into a compound

this means the individually told story COLLECTIVELY & in INTER.nalized form is fixed .

the well.attended performance was marked by some very moving stories with more than 70 people and poems in.scribed on around 35 pages .




* ortho:graphically adapted quotation from wolfgang steinmaurer : storytelling and world café . IN : der wirtschaftstreuhaender 4.2005 : 40.

photoansicht er.finder DEINER welt.JPG

 < on the edge >

2018 .  as yet unimplemented


  • a woman is walking along a line drawn on the ground towards a square, also drawn on the ground, she sits in the square, pulls a veil over her head and begins to declaim.

  • she is talking about everything she is permitted, or not permitted to do beginning with the basic human rights that are within our own current cultural environment a matter of course, but that elsewhere it can be dangerous to plead.

  • finally she stops, stands up, replaces her veil and slowly exits the space.

< on the edge > is a multi-layered attempt to address

  • the use of violence,

  • particularly for religious reasons

  • and particularly, though not exclusively, when used to attack women and girls

  • thus also addressing in a robust manner

  • questions of socialisation

  • and questions of identity

  • and, depending on culture, the openly acknowledged or more subtle attitudes and expectations, role models & particularly the roles women are expected to play

  • the performance aims to bring these to our attention , prompt reflection & pose questions about social fictions and myths , that in the opinion of yuval noah harari only larger societies ( can ) ‘permanently’ uphold and on this basis, create an awareness of and critically assess the fictions and myths that every one of us is subject to the idea for this performance came about.

the idea for this performance came about

  • as a consequence of the work on the text ( & radio play) < hexen.glauben > (‘belief in witches’) . this is about

    • the witch trials that took place between 1675 and 1690 in salzburg and surrounding areas as well as

    • the violence & intimidation of civilians, especially women, perpetrated by boko haram in nigeria ( sometimes dressed up as witchcraft ) also by government troops,

  • after recent reading of the history of malala yousafzai ( key points : shooting by the pakistani taliban in 2012 , nobel peace prize in 2014 , un messenger of peace ),

  • still with the image in mind of recent newspaper articles in early 2018 about abductions of women / girls by boko haram in nigeria as well as 

  • a consideration of the current socio-political situation in austria and other ‘western countries’.